Install UM-Profiler and have additional templates
for Ultimate Member!

Just follow the installation process as described below and you will have new template designs for your member cards in a jiffy.


Upload UM-Profiler via the WP Plugin Uploader, make sure you upload the zip file: UM-Profiler and NOT UM-Profiler 1.0 Unzip me Please.


Upload via FTP with your favorite FTP Client, make sure to upload the unzipped file: UM-Profiler


After UM-Profiler is installed and active visit your member directories back-end. You will now have new templates available via Styling: General/templates

Huh, I don’t see the new templates
only the Default Template?

There are hosting providers that prevent creating directories in theme files by plugins for security reasons. No worries, we have an easy solution for your situation.You just have to copy the template files into your theme file, so they will show up on the member directory’s page.

Follow the below steps and they will show up.

1- Unzip your download: UM-Profiler 1.2 – Unzip me please.
2- Inside you will find a zip: um-profiler (unzip it)
3- You will see a file: templates
4- Create a directory inside your theme file and name it: ultimate-member (make sure to set the permissions to 755).
5- Copy the file templates into your created directory ultimate-member

This is the path were your templates will be located, Ultimate member will include it in the member directory page: wp-content/themes/your-theme/ultimate-member/templates

When you have followed the above steps, the new um-profiler templates will be included and ready for selection at Member Directories via Styling: General/templates

If you exchange your theme in the future, don’t forget to follow the above steps.