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Home › Forums › Mikmag WordPress theme › Demo content import errors
Recieved the errors below when installing new MikMag 1.3 on new WP 3.4.1 installation. WHat does this affect and how can we correct this?? thanks.
Failed to import shop_order_status cancelled
Failed to import shop_order_status completed
Failed to import product_type external
Failed to import shop_order_status failed
Failed to import product_type grouped
Failed to import shop_order_status on-hold
Failed to import shop_order_status pending
Failed to import shop_order_status processing
Failed to import shop_order_status refunded
Failed to import product_type simple
Failed to import product_type variable
Failed to import product_tag Louncher
Failed to import topic-tag update
Failed to import product_cat Woocommerce
Failed to import topic-tag mikmag responsive
Failed to import topic-tag themedutch
Failed to import topic-tag wordpress
This happens when you do an import with no Woocommerce and BBPress installed. You can just ignore this one if you do not use Woocommerce and BBPress plugins.
DO i have to install Woo commerce and Buddypress separately after theme installed? do i have to do anything else after i install woo and buddypress?
Also, why is my home page empty with no menus? see attached.
Hello Lokera,
After installing your dummycontent you’ll still have to set up a menu. Just a tip, if you have less knowlegdge of WordPress it might not be a bad idea to subcribe to one of our premium support packages.
Best wishes,